Tuesday, 31 January 2017

un billet de cinquanta

- Un guió literari és el que ens explica què passa, com és allò que veiem, com se'ns mostra i què podem escoltar. Allò que llegim en el guió ens descriu com serà la representació visual. El guió literari dona forma a l'argument, explica el contingut de la pel·lícula i ensenya l'estètica. S'estructura per seqüències, col·locades una darrera l'altra i en ordre temporal. També s'hi inclouen diàlegs. S'expliquen també les accions dels personatges, allò que passa i es fan petites descripcions de l'entorn per ubicar el lloc. Cal posar-hi la informació suficient per tal que la persona s'imagini el lloc de l'acció.

- Un storyboard és un documentr tècnic format per conjunt de vinyetes o de dibuixos mostrats en ordre cronològic amb l'objectiu d'entendre una història. Les vinyetes sempre són acompanyades de text (diàlegs) i d'altres anotacions del narrador o dels sorolls.

- Actors: David Carbonell i Laura Ortiz
- Càmera: Jhayzee Geronimo
- Director: David Carbonell
- Encarregat d'editar el vídeo: Laura Ortiz

Sunday, 29 January 2017

mission 2


Ones there was a volcano and she waits for her love to get up above so they can see each other and love each other but there is a problem and this volcano man is always singing a song and her love always heard him singing he have a dream and he hope that those dreams will come true and a lots of years pass and he still don´t achieve his dream to have someone beside him.

This volcano man is so close to extinction until one day he submerged into the deep and shallow water and lost for a long time and one day another volcano appeared at the top and this volcano is a girl and she also wish the same as the volcano man that the Earth sea and the sky up above because they both always seen an animal couple playing with them until one day the volcano man appeard and they finally meet each other and they hope that they grow old to each other.

Now they both live together and wish that they will lived forever and ever and always be happy on there relationship and now they are happy together specially there lovelife and they life happily ever after. 

                                                            The end

                                           I love you too much:

The i love you too much is a music video and it is the music video of the book of life where there is two lovers named Manolo Sanchez a mexican torero and here girl named Maria. this Maria is a handmaiden and one of the most richest person in there town and Manolo is courting her using his guitar and he plays always a special song for her love until one day Maria has been trusted into a warrior and a soldier and this man named Joaquin and this Joaquin is one of the most richest man in his town and Manolo is his very bestfriend they were bestfriend since they was a child.

One day Manolo take Maria for a date in the forest and Maria got accidentally bite by a demon snake and Manolo got shocked because he taught that maria was died so he choose to die to so he can be with his love one.

Until one day Maria is not yet dead because she was taken in a hospital by Joaquin and he heal Maria using a magical necklace and this necklace of Joaquin heal Maria so she can live again but Manolo is dead and he was in the land of the dead and in this land he seen his family again and he asked the superior of the land of the dead to make him live again but its very difficult to do that he need to face a challenge first before he lives again and the name of this challenge is toro fight which he need to fight in a gigantic bull and after that he defeat this bull and the superior accepts his request to make him lived again and he back from the dead and when he got lived again he goes dirrectly to maria and they married and lived happily ever after.


                                                          The End:


There was man who is trying to who was trying to court her fathers girlfriend but the father of her girlfriend cannot accept her because the father thinks that he is a bad boy but this man is not actually a bad boy because he really loves the girl and he is always singing a song to make the father accept him.

One day the father invite a very special and rich boy but the thing is her daughter do not want to marry this boy because it is arrogant and very ego but the thing is the father really wanted this boy to marry her daughter so they can have a lot of money and also a business partner until one day he seen her daughter running away and going in to the man that she really want to marry.

Days pass the man and the girl married without any permission to the parents of the girl and one day the the man and the girl shown themselves to the parents of the girl but the thing is the father is really angry and he does not really wants his daughter to marry to the man but the girl did'nt obey his father and the father countinuesly bannish the two out of the house and the man and the girl live peacefully together without a help of anyone.